19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (2024)


If the only vegan chia recipe you have tried so far is pudding, our list of creative recipes that utilize this magical nutritious seed in all sorts of ways – from egg replacer to vegan caviar – is for you! Raw sweets, ice pops, bread, cakes, pizza, and even a frappu-chia-no – there’s something for everyone on today’s list. Enjoy!

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (1)

Table of Contents

Chocolatey Pecan Chia Cereal by Vancouver with Love

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (2)

Chia seeds seem to be a perfect companion to lots of breakfast dishes. First up, we have a quick, nutritious and easy-to-make cereal bowl (gluten-free & substitute friendly as well!) for a warm and cozy start of the day.

Click here for the full recipe.

Healthy Chocolate Chia Mousse by Rainbow Plant Life

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (3)

Breakfast or dessert? It’s hard to tell sometimes, but with this vegan chia recipe, you can make dessert for breakfast in just 5-10 minutes! According to Nisha of Rainbow Plant Life, the texture is closer to mousse than to traditional chia pudding, so it’s definitely an option worth trying if you’re looking for something new!

Click here for the full recipe.

Black Sesame Matcha Chia Parfait by The Plant-Based Wok

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (4)

This vegan chia recipe presents us with a wonderfully rich combination of flavors and layers: homemade granola, matcha chia layer topped with vanilla almond yogurt, black sesame nicecream, and fresh blackberries. Enjoy this vegan chia recipe!

Click here for the full recipe.

Miss Marzipan’s Java Chip Frappu-chia-no by Miss Marzipan

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (5)

We have to give Marisa Alvarsson of Miss Marzipan credit for the most creative naming. Her frappu-chia-no (get it?) is a healthy, protein-packed, frosty mocha smoothie topped with coconut cream and homemade chocolate sauce that’s very easy to whip up at home in a blender!

Click here for the full recipe.

Raspberry Orange Chia Jam by Plant Based RD

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (6)

One other way you can work chia seeds is to turn them into jam. The flavor pairing possibilities are endless, but they seem to work really well with berries first and foremost. Catherine Perez of Plant Based RD took full advantage of this with her homemade raspberry orange chia jam. According to her, it will become the perfect pick-me-up addition to your favorite snacking habits!

Click here for the full recipe.

Vegan Matcha Loaf with Raspberry Chia Jam by Healthy French Wife

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (7)

Homemade chia jam doesn’t store as long as commercial jams, but it’s hardly a problem because in case you don’t eat it all on its own in the first couple of days, it also makes a perfect addition to other desserts, including baked goods – like this 10-ingredient vegan matcha loaf that’s healthy and low on sugar.

Click here for the full recipe.

Chocolate Cake with Rosemary Infused Blackberry Jam by Foodie Yuki

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (8)

Fans of decadent chocolate cakes, this one’s for you! A rosemary-infused blackberry chia jam takes this layered vegan cake to the next level. The frosting on this cake is said to have a secret ingredient, so head on over to Foodie Yuki to find out what it is!

Click here for the full recipe.

Pineapple Coconut Açaí Chia Ice Pops by Healthy Little Vittles

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (9)

It’s hard to believe that these gorgeous vegan pineapple coconut açaí chia ice pops are made with only 4 ingredients (and very little effort!). If you have been craving a refreshing dessert lately, this vegan chia recipe is for you!

Click here for the full recipe.

Green Grape Chia Tarts by Feasting on Fruit

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (10)

This vegan chia recipe would’ve worked great for last week’s St. Patrick’s Day (as it was initially developed for the occasion), but we say these healthy and vibrant raw treats can be enjoyed any day!

Click here for the full recipe.

Marshmallow Cream Cake by This Rawsome Vegan Life

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (11)

Who knew a marshmallow cream cake could be healthy, raw vegan, gluten-free, and incredibly good for you? And even less expected is the fact that chia seeds play a vital role in creating that texture! This cake is light and fluffy, its texture just like marshmallows, but the flavor more gentle and less sweet.

Click here for the full recipe.

Pumpkin Energy Bites by Jessica In The Kitchen

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (12)

What do you get when you put together fresh pumpkin puree, sweet maple syrup, creamy peanut butter, and chocolate? A perfect flavor combination. Add chia seeds for fiber and pumpkin spice for extra flavor, and you’ve got yourself a delicious healthy protein-packed vegan chia recipe!

Click here for the full recipe.

Microwave Mug Cake by Vegamelon

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (13)

Similar to flax seeds, chia seeds can be used as an egg replacer in vegan recipes, and you don’t even need to ground them up! Knowing this, you can veganize lots of desserts – or just try one of the recipes on our list, like this easy 10-ingredient high-protein gluten-free mug cake.

Click here for the full recipe.

Vegan Thai Fishcakes by SO VEGAN

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (14)

Binding powers of chia seeds can come to the rescue in any recipe, be it sweet or savory! Roxy & Ben of SO VEGAN fully use that quality of chia to prevent their vegan fishcakes from falling apart in the pan. Added bonus: all the amino acids chia seeds bring to the table (literally)!

Click here for the full recipe.

Sweet and Spicy Golden Chia Pizza by Bo’s Kitchen

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (15)

Who knew a crispy no-knead gluten-free pizza crust could be very quick to make? Chia powers hold it together in a way that lets it withstand being sliced. And the sweet, spicy and slightly sticky sauce complements it perfectly.

Click here for the full recipe.

Vegan “Caviar” by Vegan Foodiez

19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (16)

Finally, this vegan chia recipe is my personal favorite. Caviar is a delicacy commonly enjoyed in Russia, so having an absolutely delicious, healthy, affordable, and most importantly cruelty-free version of it is a blessing! If you’ve never had homemade vegan caviar, I highly recommend you try experimenting with chia.

Click here for the full recipe.


19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (17)

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19 Vegan Chia Recipes That Aren't Pudding - Best of Vegan (2024)


What does chia pudding do to your gut? ›

Chia seeds are a good source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and support healthy digestion. The omega-3 fatty acids and caffeic acid in chia seeds may reduce inflammation in the gut. This can alleviate symptoms of IBS, such as abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

How do you eat chia seeds without pudding? ›

The pantry staple is the perfect binder for nut-packed bars, a shortcut thickener for easy toppings, and of course, the setting agent in creamy puddings. Go ahead and sprinkle chia seeds into refreshing drinks and smoothies…but don't stop there. Add them to pancakes, crackers, salads, and more.

Is chia pudding actually good for you? ›

Overall, chia seeds and chia pudding make an excellent addition to a healthy and balanced diet. And if you want to make this a regular breakfast but don't have the time to make it, add our Chia Pots to your next allplants order for fruity and delicious puddings to kick off your days!

What happens to your stomach when you eat chia seeds? ›

You May Experience Digestive Issues

About 2 tablespoons of chia seeds pack nearly 10 grams of fiber. And although fiber is an essential nutrient for gut health, a side effect of fiber is gas and bloating, according to Mount Sinai. "Some people may experience GI and digestive issues from eating too many chia seeds.

What happens to your body when you eat chia seeds everyday? ›

Chia seeds contain quercetin, an antioxidant that can reduce your risk of developing several health conditions, including heart disease. The seeds are also high in fiber, which can help to lower high blood pressure and, in turn, reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Chia seeds are high in fiber.

What not to do with chia seeds? ›

Omega-3 fatty acids: Chia seeds contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It is known that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, it is advised to avoid taking chia seeds with foods or supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Is it OK to eat chia seed pudding everyday? ›

Chia seeds are highly nutritious, boast a long list of health benefits and can be a healthy dietary addition for most. However, moderation is key, as eating too many may cause side effects. To prevent this, start with 1 ounce (28 grams) daily and assess your tolerance before slowly increasing your intake.

What is the benefits of chia seeds for females? ›

Omega-3 fatty acids are similarly abundant in chia seeds. As a result, they lower blood pressure to treat and prevent heart disorders. Additionally, it reduces the amount of fat in your liver, enhances the health of your bones and joints, keeps your skin from ageing too quickly, and promotes sleep quality.

Can you put chia seeds in your morning coffee? ›

But we can bet there's a morning beverage you haven't thought to try chia seeds in, and you may want to give it a shot: coffee. Just like with pudding and the internal shower drink, chia seeds will bring plenty of fiber to your java. In fact, just 1 ounce of the stuff contains 9.8 grams of fiber.

Do chia seeds lower blood pressure? ›

“Chia seeds are an excellent source of plant-based Omega-3s. Research has shown that Omega-3 intake, whether through diet or supplementation, is linked to lower blood pressure.”

Is chia seeds good for kidney and liver? ›

Because flax seeds and chia seeds are low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, they are healthy for all the following kidney conditions and treatments: CKD/Transplant. Hemodialysis (3 times/week) Daily Home and Nocturnal Hemodialysis/Peritoneal Dialysis.

Is Chia pudding or oatmeal healthier? ›

Although chia seeds provide healthy protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, whole-grain oats are a heartier source of vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy antioxidants, and are generally considered more filling.

Does chia seed pudding make your stomach flat? ›

Do chia seeds help you lose weight fast? Enjoy chia seeds for their flavor and to boost the fiber, protein, calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3s in your diet. But don't expect a big weight loss boost. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet (or seed) for weight loss.

Can your body digest chia pudding? ›

Chia is totally digestible in its whole seed form. The chia seed shell actually provides insoluble fiber, which is really beneficial for your digestive health.

Do chia seeds clean out your colon? ›

Unique in their nutritional profiles, flax and chia seeds have fats and fiber that help promote healthy digestion and a clean colon. Fiber moves stool through your colon. It removes waste, toxic chemicals and other substances like cholesterol.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.