Used to Love Her by Guns N Roses · (2024)

Used to Love Her is a song by the popular rock band Guns N Roses, released in 1988 as part of their album G N R Lies. The song is widely known for its catchy melody and tongue-in-cheek lyrics, but it also holds a deeper meaning that has sparked discussions among fans and music enthusiasts.

Used to Love Her by Guns N Roses · (1)

Used to Love Her is a song by the popular rock band Guns N’ Roses, released in 1988 as part of their album “G N’ R Lies.” The song is widely known for its catchy melody and tongue-in-cheek lyrics, but it also holds a deeper meaning that has sparked discussions among fans and music enthusiasts.

Table of Contents

  • The Meaning Behind The Song: Used to Love Her by Guns N’ Roses
    • Exploring the Metaphorical Meaning
    • The Emotional Journey
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Used to Love Her
    • 1. Is “Used to Love Her” a controversial song?
    • 2. Was the song inspired by a real romantic relationship?
    • 3. Did Guns N’ Roses face backlash for the song’s lyrics?
    • 4. How did fans initially react to the song?
    • 5. Were there any controversies surrounding the song’s music video?
    • 6. Did the band play “Used to Love Her” frequently during their live performances?
    • 7. What message did Guns N’ Roses want to convey through this song?
    • 8. How did the song contribute to the band’s overall image and reputation?
    • 9. Are there any cover versions of “Used to Love Her” by other artists?
    • 10. Does “Used to Love Her” hold any personal significance to the band members?

The song, at first listen, may appear to be a simple and playful tune about a failed romantic relationship. However, it’s important to note that the lyrics are meant to be taken figuratively rather than literally. The song is actually a clever metaphor, representing the end of a love affair with something other than a person.

Exploring the Metaphorical Meaning

In reality, the song is not about a romantic partner but rather about lead vocalist Axl Rose’s love and subsequent departure from heroin. The lyrics depict the stages of addiction and the emotions associated with letting go.

The opening lines state, “I used to love her, but I had to kill her.” These words metaphorically portray Axl Rose’s initial infatuation and attachment to drugs, which he eventually realizes he must end for his own well-being. The metaphorical killing represents his decision to break free from the grips of addiction.

Furthermore, the line “I knew I’d miss her, so I had to keep her” signifies the internal struggle faced by many addicts. Despite the negative consequences and losing control over their lives, addicts often find it hard to let go of their substance of choice due to the comfort and familiarity it brings.

The Emotional Journey

Used to Love Her takes listeners on an emotional journey through the highs and lows of addiction recovery. The lyrics depict feelings of both love and hate towards the subject of the song, reflecting the complicated relationship an addict may have with their substance. It shines a light on the conflicting emotions and challenges faced when trying to let go of something that once brought immense pleasure but has now become destructive.

The playful and somewhat humorous approach in the song’s delivery adds to its overall impact. Guns N’ Roses managed to tackle such a serious topic while maintaining their signature irreverent and rebellious style.

Frequently Asked Questions about Used to Love Her

1. Is “Used to Love Her” a controversial song?

Yes, the song has garnered controversy over the years due to the potentially offensive nature of its lyrics. However, it’s important to understand the metaphorical meaning behind the words before passing judgment.

2. Was the song inspired by a real romantic relationship?

No, the song was not actually written about a real romantic relationship. It is a metaphorical representation of Axl Rose’s battle with addiction.

3. Did Guns N’ Roses face backlash for the song’s lyrics?

Yes, the band faced criticism and backlash for the song’s lyrics, which many interpreted as promoting violence towards women. However, Axl Rose has clarified that the lyrics were never intended to be taken literally.

4. How did fans initially react to the song?

Upon its release, the song divided fans and critics. Some appreciated the metaphorical meaning and the band’s ability to tackle such a sensitive topic. Others, however, took offense to the lyrics and viewed them as misogynistic.

5. Were there any controversies surrounding the song’s music video?

No, there were no controversies specifically related to the music video for “Used to Love Her.” The video, released in 1988, features live footage of the band performing the song.

6. Did the band play “Used to Love Her” frequently during their live performances?

While the song was included in the band’s setlist during their early years, it was eventually dropped from their live performances. Guns N’ Roses preferred to focus on other songs and did not perform “Used to Love Her” as frequently as their more popular hits.

7. What message did Guns N’ Roses want to convey through this song?

The band aimed to shed light on the struggles of addiction and the emotional turmoil that comes with letting go of a destructive habit. It serves as a reminder that even though something may have once been loved, it’s important to recognize when it becomes harmful and let go.

8. How did the song contribute to the band’s overall image and reputation?

“Used to Love Her” added another layer to Guns N’ Roses’ complex and rebellious image. The song showcased their ability to address serious issues while maintaining their unique style and attitude.

9. Are there any cover versions of “Used to Love Her” by other artists?

Yes, several artists have covered “Used to Love Her” over the years, putting their own twist on the song. Some notable covers include those by Richard Cheese and the Lounge Against the Machine and Reckless Love.

10. Does “Used to Love Her” hold any personal significance to the band members?

While it is unclear whether the song holds personal significance to all the band members, it is known that Axl Rose wrote the lyrics based on his own experiences with addiction.

The song “Used to Love Her” by Guns N’ Roses is more than just a catchy tune; it delves into the struggles of addiction and the emotional journey of letting go. Through metaphorical lyrics and a playful delivery, the band showcases their ability to address serious topics while maintaining their rebellious style. Despite its controversial nature, the song continues to be a fan favorite and a testament to Guns N’ Roses’ musical prowess. So next time you listen to “Used to Love Her,” bear in mind the deeper meaning behind the lyrics and appreciate the artistry that went into its creation.



Used to Love Her by Guns N Roses · (2024)
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